Sensory Strategies
· Allow children to work in a variety of positions; laying flat on the floor propped on elbows, standing at a table or easel, or lying on side and using a clipboard to write on
· Ask child to repeat directions back to you before they start their work to ensure they understand
· Have child do "chair pushups" (raising their body off the chair with hands next to them on their seat) and/or tie Thera-Band around their chair and have them stretch it using their legs while doing desk work
· 10 wall pushups, 10 jumping jacks, get up and run around desk 3 times
· Frequently scheduled breaks: these must be predictable
· Tactile interventions: fidget box filled with small manipulatives that kids can fiddle with
· Reduce the number of problems on a page: decrease anxiety this way
· Make sure the student is up and moving every 20 -30 minutes
· Heavy work: Help rearrange desks in the classroom, Open and hold doors for the students in the class.
Your website is so useful for me right now! I am a student teacher. :) Thanks for all the helpful tips you offer.