Precision Request Sequence
1. Make a quiet “Please” request (please get your pencil and start working) to the student in a nonquestion format, up close with eye contact
2. Wait a few moments after making request, and do not interact with student during this time
3. If student starts to comply, verbally PRAISE the student
4. If student does not comply within designated wait time, a second request is given with the signal word “need” (now I need you to get your pencil and start working)
5. If the student starts to comply, verbally reinforce the student
6. If the student still does not comply within designated wait time, implement time out strategy within the classroom
7. If student does not take timeout appropriately then they will move to another classroom for timeout
8. If will not take proper timeout in classroom then parent will be contacted
9. If parent contact does not work, then student will receive level 2 discipline referral.
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