Tuesday, October 25, 2011

OMG Fantastico :)

This is a fantastic blog for RTI and literacy :)  Please go and check it out.

Training for Aimsweb progress monitoring teachers :)

1.      Log in to

2.      All students are listed on your caseload

3.      The measure that they are being monitored for is listed:

·         MAZE: reading comprehension
·         RCBM: passage fluency
·         MCOMP: computation
·         MCAP:  Concepts and applications

4.      Click on schedule
·         This is goal start and end date
·         We will progress monitor each week on Wednesday
·         Under periodic review please add every 8 weeks

5.      Click on next score
·         Click show all weeks
·         Tab order: scheduled dates

6.      Goal: see tip sheet
·         In this tab you need to go in and type what the program is and the box below you need to type in what the program is
·         I have set the goals for each kids already.  When a student begins to make enough progress this is where you will update the goals.  You will use the Aimsweb norms.
·         What the program write up must include: who, where, why, how long, what, when, how often,

7.      Progress report

·         This is the report we will look at every 2 weeks for monitoring student growth.   You do not need to print out b/c we will project these

8.      Norms are under Reports and Aimsweb tab:  you will use these to determine the goal levels

Progress monitoring
·        You will progress monitor students every wed.  If you cannot do it on that day make sure you still enter is on Wed (student absent, field trip, assembly)
·        Click on downloads and then on progress monitor
·        Choose area to locate the probe
·        All probes start at #1 except for students who are completing both RCBM and MAZE (you will start on probe #33 for maze)
·        You will print these off and student will complete paper pencil version each week on WED,  then you will enter their scores in on Aimsweb that same day

Writing PLEP's (present level of progress) with Aimsweb

Here are a few samples for taking all the wonderful info you get from Aimsweb and using that in your goal writing and IEP writing:

________________'s current level of performance on a Kindergarten  AIMSweb LSF probe is  2 Letter Sounds/min, while the expected  level of performance is 14 correct Letter Sounds for Fall. 

_______________'s current level of performance on (CBM: 5th grade MCAP) is __________________, while the expected level of performance is  ________________ (use the aimsweb norms tables here)

When given the survey level assessment __________________'s score was average given a ______________ grade level probe for __________(MCAP)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


The district that I work in is using Aimsweb this year for the bottom 25th percentile of students.  The first step to be completed was benchmarking our students.  This was really helpful to see if they were truly the lowest and we had a lot that were not.  After we completed that we then had to go back and find their instructional level.  That is the step that we are currently on.  After we complete that then we will determine groups for interventions and I will help the teachers write their intervention plans for the students.  This time of year is very busy for me :)  Getting RTI up and running every year takes a lot of my time, but in the end it's worth it.  How is RTI going in your building?  Any body else using Aimsweb this year and if you are tell what you think of it and how you use it in your builidng.  Off to benchmark some more :)

Helping students learn to deal with their frustration

Dealing with Frustration

1.    Identify someone they can talk and confide in

2.    Gently correct them and use redirection
·        Remind the student what they should be doing

3.    Direct instruction for dealing with stress, tension, frustration, or anxiety
·        Teach student how to identify when getting tense and how they are feeling overall
·        Student should practice calming strategies throughout the day when not feeling that way

4.    Have both teacher and student develop an unobstrusive signal for when starting to feel or show signs of frustration so they can practice strategies

5.    Teach student to use positive talk: switch negative statement to positive

6.    Structure academic success for the student